Neuromotor Speech Disorder
Neuromotor Speech Disorder: Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS)
Other disorder: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Treatment: PROMPT (PROMPT© stands for Prompts for Restructuring Oral Muscular
Phonetic Targets. It is a tactile-kinesthetic approach to speech therapy, which means
that the speech-language pathologist uses touch cues on the client’s face (vocal folds,
jaw, lips, tongue), to support and shape correct movement of these articulators.)
AAC: PECS (PECS is a type of Augmentative and Alternative Communication that uses
visual symbols to teach the learner to communicate with parents, carers, teachers and
peers. The aim is to teach intentional, functional communication and to allow users to
communicate their wants and needs.)
Please include Autism information as well as CAS information below.
Sections to be completed:
Intervention Method- CAS and Autism
Motor Speech Treatment Hierarchy
Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Interprofessional Practice (include AAC)
Cultural Humility