What steps would you take to set up the Information Governance and IT Steering Committee?

What steps would you take to set up the Information Governance and IT Steering Committee?

What steps would you take to set up the Information Governance and IT Steering Committee?
Committee Central Health System, a large multisite system consisting of several acute care hospitals, has decided to implement a new EMR in their Emergency Department at their flagship hospital to complement the Nursing documentation EMR that has been in place and operating efficiently for many years. The ED medical staff has been complaining for years that they need an EMR similar to the Nursing documentation EMR that has been met with much success. After a great deal of pressure from the Medical Staff and the System Board of Directors, Administration decides to instruct the ED physicians to begin researching what EMRs they interested in and narrow it down to their top three choices. The ED physician group really did a great job at researching state of the art ED EMRs and speaking to their professional peers at other hospitals. After much discussion the ED medical staff and Administration at the hospital make a selection based on choice and also affordability. Administration budgets for the new ED EMR and the decision is made that it will run in parallel with the ED Nursing documentation EMR. Administration hands off the implementation to IT and instructs them to work with the ED physicians and implement this new ED EMR as soon as possible. Initially at the go live, things go well but when the ED begins to get busy many problems begin to develop. The PCs in the ED only have one screen and some of the physicians who are jumping from room to room are documenting in the wrong patient record and forgetting to log out on the screens (the screen time outs are set to default at an hour). Nursing is complaining that they can’t get to a computer to document in their Nursing documentation EMR that has worked flawlessly for these years. Many of the nurses went home after their shift without documenting anything in the Nursing EMR. The Revenue Cycle department has also called to complain that none of the ED supply charges are coming over from the new EMR, so bills will be held up because the interface to the billing system isn’t working correctly. Also, the D/C instruction sheets aren’t printing and patients are waiting longer to be discharged because the physicians and nurses are handwriting the D/C instructions for the patients before they are discharged. The ED waiting room is jammed with patients who are very upset. Administration calls an Emergency meeting with the ED leadership and IT and the decision is made to turn off the new ED EMR and go back to the old process until the problems can be corrected. In two to three pages, please answer the following questions:
1. How could a strong Information Governance and IT Steering Committee have prevented this from happening?
2. What steps would you take to set up the Information Governance and IT Steering Committee?
3. Who from the hospital would you recommend to be on this committee? 4. How would you correct the above issues? Please be specific in your answers.
4. How would you correct the above issues?

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