What are the three main sources of health insurance in the United States?

What are the three main sources of health insurance in the United States?

Upload Assignment: Unit 7 DQ1: Health and Health Insurance(version A)
1) How can changes over time of the average height of thepeople in a country help to indicate the standard of living in a country?
2) What are the three main sources of health insurance inthe United States?
3) Suppose a large firm allows its employees to choosewhether to participate in its health insurance plan. The firm is trying todecide between two plans: Plan I has a low monthly premium but a highdeductible, and Plan II has a high monthly premium but a low deductible. Underwhich plan is adverse selection likely to be a bigger problem, and why?
Unit 7 DQ2: Health Care Costs, Benefits, and Efficiencies(version A)
1) The figure above represents the market for vaccinations.Vaccinations are considered a benefit to society, and the figure shows both themarginal private benefit and the marginal social benefit from vaccinations.
a) Which curverepresents marginal private benefit?b) Which curverepresents marginal social benefit?c) What is themarket equilibrium price?d) What is themarket equilibrium quantity of vaccinations?e) What is theefficient equilibrium price?f) What is the efficient equilibrium quantity ofvaccinations?g) Would economicefficiency be improved in this scenario if more people were vaccinated?
2) The figure above represents the market for medicalservices with and without insurance, and the effect of a third-party payersystem on the demand for medical services.
a) If consumers paidthe full price of medical services, what is the price they would pay ?b) If consumers paidthe full price of medical services, what would the equilibrium quantity be?c) With insuranceand a third-party payer system, what price do doctors receive for medicalservices?d) With insuranceand a third-party payer system, what price do consumers pay for medicalservices?e) With insuranceand a third-party payer system, what is the equilibrium quantity of medicalservices?f) What is theefficient price of medical services?g) What is theefficient quantity of medical services?h) In this scenario,do insurance and the third-party payer system improve economic efficiency?
3) One reason why employees prefer for their employer to payfor their health insurance rather than receive increased wages and pay fortheir own health insurance is that wages are taxable income to the employeesbut the money the employer spends to buy health insurance for the employees isnot taxable. What is the other main reason why employees prefer to have theemployer pay for their health insurance?Upload Assignment: Unit 7 DQ1: Health and Health Insurance(version A)1) How can changes over time of the average height of thepeople in a country help to indicate the standard of living in a country? 2) What are the three main sources of health insurance inthe United States? 3) Suppose a large firm allows its employees to choosewhether to participate in its health insurance plan. The firm is trying todecide between two plans: Plan I has a low monthly premium but a highdeductible, and Plan II has a high monthly premium but a low deductible. Underwhich plan is adverse selection likely to be a bigger problem, and why?Unit 7 DQ2: Health Care Costs, Benefits, and Efficiencies(version A) 1) The figure above represents the market for vaccinations.Vaccinations are considered a benefit to society, and the figure shows both themarginal private benefit and the marginal social benefit from vaccinations. a) Which curverepresents marginal private benefit? b) Which curverepresents marginal social benefit? c) What is themarket equilibrium price? d) What is themarket equilibrium quantity of vaccinations? e) What is theefficient equilibrium price? f) What is the efficient equilibrium quantity ofvaccinations? g) Would economicefficiency be improved in this scenario if more people were vaccinated? 2) The figure above represents the market for medicalservices with and without insurance, and the effect of a third-party payersystem on the demand for medical services. a) If consumers paidthe full price of medical services, what is the price they would pay ? b) If consumers paidthe full price of medical services, what would the equilibrium quantity be? c) With insuranceand a third-party payer system, what price do doctors receive for medicalservices? d) With insuranceand a third-party payer system, what price do consumers pay for medicalservices? e) With insuranceand a third-party payer system, what is the equilibrium quantity of medicalservices? f) What is theefficient price of medical services? g) What is theefficient quantity of medical services? h) In this scenario,do insurance and the third-party payer system improve economic efficiency?3) One reason why employees prefer for their employer to payfor their health insurance rather than receive increased wages and pay fortheir own health insurance is that wages are taxable income to the employeesbut the money the employer spends to buy health insurance for the employees isnot taxable. What is the other main reason why employees prefer to have theemployer pay for their health insurance?

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