Weeks 6 & 7 Current Events Influence on Biometric Information Assignment
Weeks 6 & 7 Current Events Influence on Biometric Information Assignment
In no more than 3 pages, highlight at least 2 current events you believe have and/or will have a permanent influence on biometric information laws.
A. Current laws and potential/pending legislation in the U.S. and at least one other country. As you become familiar with the research findings you will also need to look into:
B. Current events (2013 – present) that are connected with these laws and pending legislation.
Reading materials below
Top Strategic Trends for 2017-Gartner
Technology Trends for 2017-Forbes
Disruption and Disruptors-Gartner
Identifying Trends you Need to Track
Top Strategic Trends for 2014-Gartner
Technology Trends for 2014-Forbes
Consumerization 2.0-Information Week
Social Media Trends for 2014-Forbes
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