Two Topics Discussion – Nursing Writings
Two Topics Discussion – Nursing Writings
Alfredo Rodriguez
Alfredo Rodriguez
YesterdayAug 25 at 7:34pm
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To understand what Frantz Fanon wrote, I would like to dissect his writing. He wrote, “The colonial context is characterized by the dichotomy it inflicts on the world” (Fanon).
To start, “The colonial context…” means the contexts of current colonial history or colonial history at the time. For example, we can look at the voyage that Columbus took through our lens and unequivocally conclude that he was a bit of a sly and cheeky guy. However, if we analyze his first encounter through his eyes, we may be surprised that he was reasonably fond of indigenous peoples and admired their looks and craftsmanship. However, his devotion to spreading Christianity led him to believe that the indigenous peoples needed saving by worshiping God. Anyway, there are different ways of looking at history, and depending on what we know or do not know about current or past history, we may interpret things differently.
The next portion I want to break down is “…characterized by the dichotomy…” I cannot find any superb examples of this other than politics. What I think it means is that your character judgments, thoughts, or beliefs can be interrelated to your political views (this is my example). A radical leftist and a reactionary right will have very few things in common regarding hardcore politics, thus the dichotomy in this context is the political urge of being on the left or the right. In doing so, you will make character judgments of the other side and for the other side. Relating this to Frantz, I think he means what “side” of things you are on.
The last portion is “…inflicts on the world.” to me, this relates to the way someone acts outwardly, affecting their everyday lives. An example of this could potentially be composting and recycling. If someone does not recycle, it will, in the end, affect their surroundings, whether it be in the near, distant, or far future. In Frantz’s context, I think he alludes to war based on the context of the readings, lectures, and the course.
To conclude, we can, in the end, tie all these things together; what is currently happening or what has happened in history will affect where you stand and, in the future, affect how you behave. That is what I absorbed from that quote.
The reading “Guerilla Warfare: A Method” by Ernesto Che Guevara analyzes some of the factors that revolution comes to America by looking at Havana’s Declarations. Their second declaration is: “The subjective conditions in each country, the factors of consciousness, of organization, of leadership, can accelerate or delay revolution, depending on the state of their development. Sooner or later, in each historical epoch, as objective conditions ripen, consciousness is acquired, organization is achieved, leadership arises, and revolution is produced” (“Second Declaration of Havana,” “Guerilla Warfare: A Method”). I firmly believe that there is a bond between this and what Frantz Fanon said because from what I gathered, Fanon’s quote is imperative with what happens at the time of current history or history. I think the dichotomy may be intertwined with the consciousness, organization, and leadership of a nation because, in revolutions, people will be divided. Lastly, the inflicting actions it has on the world are none other than the revolution itself.
Collapse SubdiscussionAndrew Michael Heider
Andrew Michael Heider
YesterdayAug 25 at 9:28pm
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After reading Frantz Fanon’s quote, I think that he means to express how violence is the defining characteristic associated with colonialism. Fanon strongly stressed that colonial rule brings in violence to the home and into the mindset of the natives being colonized. Fanon even goes to state how violence is a “natural state” associated with colonial rule. Examples of such violence that Fanon relates to colonization can be seen in European colonization. Many such areas that were colonized and affected with violence even included Fanon’s home which was Algeria. The text, “Letter to the French Chamber of Deputies” by Nguyen Thai Hoc, shows how such violence affected Vietnam from French control. When the French took over they used the means of violence to enslave the many native people there and as Fanon had talked about how colonial rule brings violence into the mindset of the natives, this was the very event that supports his thoughts. As Nguyen Thai Hoc tried to fight against the French through nonviolent means he failed. Only through leading a revolution and having violence be put onto him that he was executed. This event put violence into the mindset of the natives and eventually the Vietnamese were able to break free from French rule. This proves Fanon’s ideas about how violence is the defining characteristic of colonialism even after being free from colonization