Theories Used in The American Hookup Book Paper
Theories Used in The American Hookup Book Paper
Write a 3 page paper double spaced on the book “The American Hookup” by Lisa Wade
A: (15 points) You must cite the text book (include author and page number) to apply at least five theories from the course that relate to the book. These concepts must be bolded. You will need to define the theory (or element of the theory) and connect it directly to the book. Each example should be documented with author name and page number–for example: (Wade, 23) For each theory you should have two examples from the book. Make sure that you select from the whole book, not just one chapter. You should see this as exercise in teaching me the information. Explain yourself carefully. Papers will need to be sent to Carmen Drop box where the papers will be checked for plagiarism via the originality software. Please make sure that you are aware of what constitutes plagiarism 12 Point Font, Times New Roman. What happens if I don’t write a full 3 page paper? You will lose 5 points for a paper that is shorter than 3 full pages. Points will be deducted for punctuation and grammar errors. PAPERS WILL BE DUE ON DUE DATE. A late drop box will be opened on Carmen for late assignments. Please submit there.