The Risk of Overweight and Obesity in Children Research
The Risk of Overweight and Obesity in Children Research
Final paper: The purpose of this assignment is for you to obtain a deeper knowledge of and effectively communicate key concepts of one focused area of public health.Over the course, we will cover a wide variety of public health topics.Students will select one current topic in public health and present your research about that topic. The total assignment will include an abstract, 5 typed (single spaced pages); plus a work cited page. The instructor must approve topics for this assignment and there will be NO duplications. Topics will be permitted on a first come, first serve basis. If you have a specific topic you are very interested in, please get the topic approved ASAP.
Final Paper Presentation: The purpose of this assignment is to help you effectively communicate (orally) key concepts of one focused area of public health.You will prepare a visual aid (PowerPoint) and present the information you wrote about in your final paper to the class.The presentation will be held to exactly 3 minutes (PRACTICE).