PSY 637 Therapists and Different Factors that Can Impact Homelessness Discussion
PSY 637 Therapists and Different Factors that Can Impact Homelessness Discussion
Question 1:
According to MacCluskie, “It is the counselors job, in part, to help the client discover or develop some glimmer of hope that his or her suffering will at some point be transformed” (Pg. 48).
What are some ways that counselors can help clients find hope when the client is feeling ‘hopeless’?
Question 2:
“Uncertainty avoidance, according to Hofstede, is very much related to one’s philosophical approach to life in general, which may be a by-product of one’s religious or spiritual beliefs” (MacCluskie, 2010, p. 79).
My question for the class is how would you approach a client with a high uncertainty avoidance? Everything is right or wrong, there is no room for ambiguity. How would this direct your sessions or would it have no impact?
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