Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation that describes the basic processes associated in the ambulatory setting
You have been hired by a mid-sized healthcare facility as the new Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO). Your first order of business is to review the processes of the health care delivery system. Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation that describes the basic processes associated in the ambulatory setting. Also, prepare PowerPoint slides that give an overview of the processes associated with the health care payment system for this ambulatory provider organization. The PowerPoint slide presentation cannot exceed 12 to 15 slides. Note: this does not include the title slide, table of contents slide or the reference slide. Slides should not be cluttered – you will need to insert explanations in the note section. All work must be original and in APA 6th ed. format. Place this order with us and get 18% discount now! to earn your discount enter this code: special18 If you need assistance chat with us now by clicking the live chat button.
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