Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 810 slides with speaker notes of 75-150 words not including title or reference pages.

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 810 slides with speaker notes of 75-150 words not including title or reference pages.

Part 1:The managed care organization has asked you to put together a spreadsheet that shows a comparison between 3 diseases that are impacting 3 different countries. Because your department will be coming up for an accreditation performance review this is a good time to start to evaluate data. In recent years studies have indicated an increase in overall rates for cancer HIV/AIDS and obesity.Use the library textbook and the Web site for the World Health Organization (WHO)to research and explain why there is such a profound change in these countries during the time span. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation of 810 slides with speaker notes of 75-150 words not including title or reference pages.Part 2:Preparean Excel spreadsheet that comparies and contrasts data addressing the following:

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