Policy Analysis
The written assignment for Module 5 is to prepare a policy analysis. Your analysis will examine the historical roots of the contemporary issue facing women in the 21st century that you researched in the M5 Workshop: Policy Issues Facing Women, and will recommend a specific action that you think ought to be taken on that concern. Please make sure that the analysis includes the following:
- An overview of the issue and its relevance to American society.
- A historic context that examines how the issue has been addressed by political leaders since the 1970s.
- A set of options that the current presidential administration might take to address the issue.
- A reflection on what past and present policies regarding the issue have accomplished and of where they have fallen short.
- A recommended action for the current presidential administration to take.
Please read the article How to do a Policy Analysis
for guidance in preparing your essay.
Evaluation Criteria
Before submitting an assignment for this course please read the SUNY Empire State College statement on Academic Integrity
. Please use the Chicago Style for citations, and take care to ensure that the citations are completed properly.