personal financial report

personal financial report

You will create an imaginary person (or future yourself), and you will work as a personal financial counselor for the person. The final paper will be a professional-quality brochure to your client. You must use tables and figures effectively to show supporting evidence (data) of your recommendations. Co-work is not allowed. Proposal: You should submit a two-page proposal. On the first page, put the title, name, email address, then describe the profile of the fictional person you created in a table format. On the second page, state the financial problems that you are helping with using tables and bullet points to present them clearly. You must list at least 3 problems to solve. Examples are personal/corporate tax problems, real estate, small business financing, auto insurance, home owners/renters insurance, life insurance, retirement planning, health insurance, and annuity, etc. State each problem in detail in a table format relating it with the person’s situation. Final report: The 2-page proposal will be the cover page of the final report. Max 15 pages including tables, figures, and references. Write a full report for the person for the various financial needs you described in the proposal. For each financial problem, your report must include (1) a table that describes the details of possible solutions, (2) a table to compare several solutions for each financial problem, and (3) supporting arguments with tables or graphs for the best solution you chose. It must be personalized advise rather than a general guide. The report should be based on associated data and actual quotes from real companies wherever possible using the exact characteristics of the client. It must clearly show the estimated monetary benefit of the recommended solution over the other options. This may require you to do some research into likely career and life paths of the fictional character and related financial earnings and risk. The evaluation will assess completeness of data, reasonableness of recommendations, effectiveness of presentation, and professionalism of the final document. You may not use financial planning software packages or commercially-marketed planning software for your report. It needs to be your own unique document. Submitting a report using a commercial product will render the 3 COPYRIGHTED project invalid.

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