1. Which are the concepts of?
a. Atrophy
b. Physiologic atrophy
c. Hypertrophy
d. Hyperplasia
e. Pathologic hyperplasia
f. Dysplasia
g. Metaplasia
2. What are the main four mechanisms of Cell Injury?
3. Describe the Two differences between Cell injury:
a. Reversible vs irreversible
4. Describe the concepts of Cell Death:
a. Necrosis
b. Apoptosis.
5- Describe the functions of these cell organelles:
a. Nucleus
b. Nucleolus
c. Mitochondria
d. Ribosomes
e. Cytoplasm
f. Cell Membrane
6. Describe 2 causes and 2 symptoms:
a. Hyperkalemia
b. Hypokalemia
7. Describe 2 causes and 2 symptoms:
a. Hypercalcemia
b. Hypocalcemia
8. Describe 2 causes and 2 symptoms of:
a. Hypernatremia
b. Hyponatremia.
9- What is acidosis and what is alkalosis?