Interview of a HR Professional
Interview of a HR Professional
You will make an appointment with a HR professional in a local company or organization to discuss personnel issues and problems affecting the work environment and service delivery. (It is preferred that you interview someone in the type of organization which you intend to be employed.) If you do not know someone, contact the HR Department of a local company of your choice, and present yourself as a graduate student preparing a report which should not require much time on the participant’s part. The interview should be conducted in person, since people communicate very important information non-verbally as well as verbally. Be sure to notify the interviewee that your paper will be shared only with your instructor.
The following questions are to be asked. You are required to ask at least two additional questions not listed her on a topic or topics which you have found important.
- Agency, Number of years with that particular company, Number of years in HR
- A brief synopsis on his/her education and background
- To what professional organizations does he/she belong
- Discuss the major responsibilities in his/her current position
- To whom does he/she report (position)?
- What three areas does he/she find the most challenging? Why?
- What three areas does he/she find the most frustrating? Why?
- What does he/she find the most rewarding aspects about his/her current position? Why?
- What are the three most critical factors affecting his/her organization presently and how does HR contribute to its successful outcome? Be sure to have him/her elaborate on each of the areas.
- What type of advice would he/she offer to someone who is entering HR?
This assignment is to give you an opportunity to meet and talk directly with an individual who deals with HR issues. After your meeting, you should write up the interview using concepts you have learned from this class and present your findings in a 5-6 page