IMF and Its Destructive Policies for The Developing World Essay
IMF and Its Destructive Policies for The Developing World Essay
The economic reforms and neo-liberal policies endorsed and required as conditions for lending by the International monetary fund (IMF) has stunted economic growth, increased poverty and inequality, and has overall been destructive for the developing world.
Essay MUST make the argument that the IMF has led to the above devastating effects in developing nations.
MUST use the attached article by Joseph Stiglitz, but can use as many other scholarly articles as well.
Rubric / Must have:
1. a clear thesis (5)
2. Introduction (10)
3. Topic description (5)
4. Suitable Evidence (20)
5. Suitable theory (20)
6. Clear argument (20)
7. Conclusion (10)
8. Proper spelling + grammar (5)
9. Organization (5)
10. Between 10-12 pages