Effective and safe transitions of care to older adults suffering from hypertension
Effective and safe transitions of care to older adults suffering from hypertension
Hypertension, also referred to as High Blood Pressure, is defined as a condition in which blood’s force against artery walls is excessively high. In most cases, hypertension is defined as blood pressure above the reading of 140/90. Hypertension is considered severe when the assignments exceed a reading of 180/120 (Clinic, 2018). This paper aims to expound and identify the local, state, and national resources that facilitate effective and safe care transitions to older adults suffering from hypertension.
Thesis: Effective and safe transitions of care to older adults suffering from hypertension. I. Prerequisite for the supply contract.
A. Flagging areas in need of further assessment.
B. Quality standardization (Yeager, November 28, 2018).
II. Formulation of a health care map.
A. Ambulate care to primary care patients.
B. Identify and manage older patients’ capacities, resources, and preferences.
C. Select and prioritize best suiting a patient’s therapeutic interventions.
III. Improve older adults’ health status.
A. Improve the quality of care (Nursing, 2020).
B. Reduced nursing home and hospital admission risk.
C. Specific disease interventions are being developed and tested.
Since this paper’s primary aim was to expound effective and safe transitions of care to older adults, providing them with respect will manage their health problems well. This is TRANSITION OF CARE
because older adults lacking care have different complications and abnormalities in their health.
Besides, they are prone to chronic diseases as compared to patients receiving health care often.
The clinic, M. (2018, May 12). High blood pressure (Hypertension). Retrieved from Mayo Clinic: https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditiuons/high-blood-pressure/ symptoms-causes/syc-20373410
Nursing, H. I. (2020, June 4). Fulmer SPICES: An Overall Assessment Tool for Older Adults. Retrieved from High: https://hign.org/consultgeri/try-this-series/fulmer-spices-overallassessment-tool-older-adults
Yeager, J. J. (November 28, 2018). Assessment of Older Adults. In J. J. Yeager, & M. E. Sue,
Gerontologic Nursing. Texas: Mosby.