DSM-IV to DSM-5 – Nursing Writings
DSM-IV to DSM-5 – Nursing Writings
WWrWriteWrite aa ppaperpaper ffofocusfocusingfocusing on thethe following. DDiDiscussDiscuss3Discuss chchachangeschanges that werewere mademade fromfrom DDSDSM-IVV toto DDSDSM-5. DDescribeDescribe the rolerole ofof DSDSM-5 iinin mmamakingmaking aa ddidiagnodiagnosis. WWhyWhy is it used? WWheWhen cconconductinconducting aa clinicalclinical interview, wwhatwhat areare somesome importimportant questionquestionsquestions youyou need to askask aa client? WWhy? DiscussDiscuss houHou youyou wouldwould makemake aa diagnosisdiagnosis usingusing DSM-5 ifif youyou werewere a counccouncounscounselor. HowHow do youyou ensureensure thatthat you dodo notnot mmismisdiagnosemisdiagnose your client?