Discussion: Animal Adaptations, chemistry homework help
Discussion: Animal Adaptations, chemistry homework help
July 8, 2021/in Science Homework Help /by admin
Discussion: Animal Adaptations
How do animals that live in extreme winter environments survive below-freezing temperatures? Many hibernate or migrate to warmer climates, but an amazing few have actually adapted “freeze tolerance” mechanisms that enable them to survive without additional protection. Freeze tolerance takes advantage of the colligative property of freezing point depression. How does it work? See what you can dig up about freeze tolerance in animals:
What is one animal with freeze tolerance and in what kind of habitat does it live?
How does the animal use the property of freezing point depression to survive? (Be specific!)
admin2021-07-08 16:34:402024-04-25 21:23:01Discussion: Animal Adaptations, chemistry homework help
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