-Developing Competitive Advantage and Strategic Focus SWOT Analysis
-Developing Competitive Advantage and Strategic Focus SWOT Analysis
Please use apa format and word count must be 250 words or more and please cite sources. Scholarly sources only.
Word count requirement for initial discussion board post: 250
Word count requirement for each response to classmate: 100
Review the framework for analyzing the internal and external environments (SWOT) in chapter 4 of your textbook.
- Select a well-known product and then discuss each of the analysis factors as it relates to the product you selected.
- Using the results of the SWOT analysis, provide suggestions for developing competitive advantage and strategic focus.
Please respond to two students and word count for each must be at least 100 words count for each. Please cite source using apa format. Please use scholarly sources.
Student 1 Jacob
“Originated in the United States, SWOT analysis was first used for enterprise macro-control and environmental competitive analysis. It takes four perspectives, namely, advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, challenges, and relies on system analysis method and matrix arrangement method for opportunity analysis, so as to maximize the advantages of the enterprise and avoid disadvantages and weaknesses to hinder its development (Konstan, Walker, Brooks, Brown & Ekstrand, 2015) (Qianli Xiong. p. 3530).”
“A SWOT analysis, as commonly understood, examines the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing a new initiative. As a managerial tool, it is used to gather information that assists the firm, entity or institution in making decisions about a proposed enterprise (de los Santos, E. esmdls@uiwtx. ed., & Zanca, N. A. p. 70).”
“A SWOT analysis can be applied to many situations. For instance, (Helms & Nixon, 2010) report that a SWOT matrix is frequently used as an assessment tool for strategic planning and it is preferred by individuals, businesses, healthcare, government, profits and not-for-profits. It has also been utilized by industries and countries (de los Santos, E. esmdls@uiwtx. ed., & Zanca, N. A. p.74).”
“SWOT analysis is a commonly used tool for analyzing an organization with respect to its internal and external environment. Strength and weakness are most often viewed from the organization’s point of view whereas opportunities and threats are external environmental factors. Strength is what an organization has or what it can offer that others of its type do not. Weakness in opposite is what an organization does not have or does not offer others of its type do (Kupka, J., Kantorová, K., & Haile, M. p. 135).”
“In fact, SWOT analysis is so useful and logical that many underestimate its value in planning. However, this simplicity often leads to unfocused and poorly conducted analyses (Ferrell, O. C., & Hartline, M. D. p. 89).”
As I have now thoroughly defined the SWOT Analysis process, I will perform my analysis on Coca-Cola’s main soft drink products. By using common knowledge about Coca-Cola, I will indicate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats toward the product brand. I will list off each of the four sectors and discuss each one in further detail.
Family Oriented
Excellent tasting beverages
Strong Customer Base
Lack of Healthy choices
Failure to address previous issues, such as handling of water.
Partnership with the Olympics
Partnership with other Fast-Food Chains, such as McDonalds
Learn From Past Errors
Other Successful Brands, such as Pepsi Cola
Failure to adapt
Concerning strengths, Coca-Cola has generated great success creating excellent formulas for consumers both local and internationally. Coca-Cola has established itself as a family-oriented name, especially in prior years when they first launched their “share-a-coke-together” campaign. It is also fair to consider that, likewise, as a result of successful ad campaigns, Coca-Cola has generated, and maintained a strong customer community base.
However, despite the popularity of the drink, much speculation has popped up about drink in terms of it being unhealthy for consumption on a daily basis. Many have cried for healthy alternatives, and although The Coca-Cola Company does have options, like power aid and Dasani Water, many have criticized Coca-Cola for the amount of sugar and caffeine the drink possesses. Coca-Cola has also fast past scrutiny about their treatment with the water they use to make the product.
Also, it should be noted that Coca-Cola has the chance for great opportunities in its partnerships. Over the years The Coca-Cola Company has advertised their drink during the Olympics sporting events, and has vended their soft drinks to McDonalds as the preferred beverage of the chain. As custom, it usually expected by consumers that they will be able to purchase Coke from such fast-food chains. In addition, I would argue that further opportunity lies in the companies opinion to create further partnerships when the occasion arises. It should also be noted that Coca-Cola could take corrective action to previously addressed issues.
Lastly, the most likely threat against Coca-Cola would be its competition, such as Pepsi. Furthermore, I would say that competitors are always looking for new ways to adapt and appeal to customers. Thus, in order for Coca-Cola to continue both as a successful product and company, the Coca-Cola Company must find new ways to remain adaptable.
Strategic Focus
If I were to offer advice to this corporation, I would recommend the company to use the transparent approach when dealing with customers. While I do not believe that this company has yielded dishonesty to its customer base, I do believe that Coca-Cola could emphasis the appropriate use of the drink by recommending to drink water along with it, or stating not over drink their product due to the health factors.
Moreover, I have seen AT&T use this strategy when it came to texting and driving. While AT&T does sell phones as a primary market, the company discourages using phones when it comes to texting and driving.
In closing, I would argue that the transparent approach would give the product more of a sense of validity.
Student 2 Kendria
A SWOT analysis which stands for strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. It encompasses both the internal and external environments. The tool that is used is strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats. SWOT analysis address a firm’s strengths and weaknesses on several key areas such as financial performance human resources, production facilities, market share just to name a few ( Ferrell & Hartline, 2014). In most cases strengths and weakness are often viewed as to which opportunities and threats follow more or so under external factors ( Krupka, Kantorova & Haile, 2018). The product I will look into will be the Apple Airpods. The strengths I see with this products is if you have an Iphone 7 or above you can charge your phone as you talk, listen to music or watch a movie. The airpods are compatible with any old Windows PC, Android phone. The sound is much better than the regular earphones. Some of the weakness of the airpods are they are small and can easily get lost, siri is hard to control, the talk time is not as long however, the music and movie time last longer. Also, if you lose one you have to pay $79 plus shipping. Opportunities I see when it comes to airpods that the talk time could last a little longer without having to switch out airpods. Have an option that you can get an extended warranty on them since they can easily be lost. A threat I see with this product is that you have off brands out they are a lot cheaper but do not hold the same quality as Apple. Apple is leading the pact because Samsung Gear IconX is nowhere close to them. Looking at the reviews 3.8 out of 1,103 gave Samsung Gear IconX good reviews. 4.7 out of 2,356 gave Apple good reviews. Apple should take into consideration when it comes to the weakness, opportunities and threats on what they can benefit them ( Borissov, 2015).
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