Describe each of the challenges indicated in part a. Indicate not just the challenge but also describe the challenges indicated.
Global health challengesfacing health care administrators/health care workers what do you consider to be the TWO of the mostimportant or challenging global health issues and WHY do you consider them important? b)describe each of the challenges indicated (e.g. How did the respective challenge come about?Order DescriptionHAP 317 Reflection Paper Fall 2014Total Points: 100This paper will provide an opportunity for you to reflect on and integrate material from the course. Thepaper should reflect insights reflection integration of course material rather than a summary of coursematerial/concepts.Purpose: This paper will provide an opportunity for you to reflect on and integrate material from thecourse. The paper should reflect insights reflection integration of course material and NOT just asummary of course material/concepts.DirectionsThe paper should include thoughtful elaboration on the following: a) of the global health challengesfacing health care administrators/health care workers what do you consider to be the TWO of the mostimportant or challenging global health issues and WHY do you consider them important? b)describe each of the challenges indicated (e.g. How did the respective challenge come about?What regions of the world are affected or in what regions is the challenge located? Who isaffectedchildren adults etc); c) What are approaches health policies or programs to addresseach of the challenges indicated in Part a (integrate course material and reflection on coursematerial in your response); d) of the approaches indicated for each challenge in Part c what doYOU consider to be the best approach for each challenge and WHY? e) what new knowledgeand learning/insights were obtained through the course? Below I elaborate on these and areas thatshould be covered.Integrating what you have learned the paper should include thoughtful elaboration on the following:1. Of the global health challenges facing health care administrators/health care workers what doyou consider to be the major challenges (30 pts)a) Clearly and accurately identify the top 2 health care challenges facing health careadministrators/health care workers? (5 pts)b) WHY do you consider these health care issues to be the top 2 health care issues ormajor challenges? (integrate course material and reflection on course material inyour response) (15 pts)c) Describe each of the challenges indicated in part a. Indicate not just the challenge butalso describe the challenges indicated. How did the respective challenge come about?What regions of the world are affected or in what regions is the challenge located?Who is affectedchildren adults etc (NB: if you are focusing on ONE regionfor an illness then give the broader picture and indicate why you are focusing onthe one region and why you consider the health issue to be a major issue facing thatregion) (10 pts)2. What are approaches health policies or programs to address each of the challengesindicated in Part 1a (5 pts)a) Discuss/elaborate on the programs/polices indicated (integrate course materialand reflection on course material in your response) (15 pts)3. Of the approaches indicated for each challenge in Part 2 what do YOU consider to bethe best approach for each challenge and WHY? (20 pts)4. What new learning/insights were obtained through/from the course? (20 pts)a) some things to consider.did you learn something new about global health careissues or global health programs/policies that you didnt know before? What are possibleways that you could use the course material in the future? (in your future position?)Provide a thoughtful and deep answer and connecting the course to your personalsituation.
5. Overall (10 pts)a) spelling grammar throughoutb) thoughtful and thorough elaboration; I am looking for depthnot superficialcoverage of a skill or responsesc) connecting the challenges with course materiald) Connecting course material/insights to your personal situationThe paper should be 8-10 pages in length typed font 12 double-spaced 1inch margins on allsides pages numbered name on each page and all sources properly referenced. The reflectionpaper is NOT a research paper. I am looking for depth thoughtful analysis and reflectionand integration of course material.
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