CEE792 Crashes for Roadway Transportation Data Analysis Assignment
CEE792 Crashes for Roadway Transportation Data Analysis Assignment
My paper is about crashes for Roadway- Two Lane Run of road on rural primary two-lane roads in Iowa state USA between 2010-2014. To complete my course paper, we should know the next step is going to be Analysis Methodology & Results & Conclusions & Abstract, Introduction and Bibliography and I will upload all files you need to do the Analysis Methodology & Results & Conclusions & Abstract, Introduction and Bibliography and I’m going to upload too the format for it. I used two programs (GIS & SAS) to get all data on Iowa Stata from 2010-2014
You should be able to progress through my data analysis more quickly now that you have both the power of GIS and SAS behind you.
I posted some examples of past papers…some are better than others. You can use these as examples of my expectations. You can also use the references that you’ve obtained yourselves as examples.
1- Analysis Methodology
Based on the data/method results (i.e., the data reductions, tables, graphs/charts), perform some analysis. Many times, analysis refers to some further data exploration, perhaps statistical explorations beyond simple descriptive statistics. However, given our current lack of software, this analysis can be more bent towards straightforward considerations of the prior data reductions, tables, graphs/charts and an explanation of how you used the prior Literature Review and the Data/Method to formulate some suppositions that you will later summarize in the Results section and come to some final thoughts and possible future efforts in the Conclusions section. The Analysis Methodology section, for the purposes of this semester, is more an explanation of your thought process which might engender further data reductions, tables, and graphs/charts to show the combining of your thoughts. This section may not be all that long and may seem like it is largely fused with the data/method section and the results section. There should be enough information, whether text, tables, or graphs/charts for a reader to follow your thought process, even if the reader doesn’t agree.
2- Results
Within this section, as indicated in the Analysis Methodology section description, should be a summarization and explanation of the coalescing of your thoughts derived from the literature review and data/method efforts. Essentially, the Results should flow from the Literature Review and Data/Method through the Analysis Methodology towards a Conclusion.
3- Conclusions
The Conclusions should highlight the most essential parts of the Results, both underscoring these Results but also supported by these Results. The entirety of the paper should lead the reader to this point. The Conclusions should not appear “from thin air”. The Conclusions section should also include some speculation, with support from the prior sections, as to future efforts that might be undertaken to further enhance the knowledge gained. Essentially, the Conclusions are the final resolution of a story that you’ve been trying to tell through the prior sections.
4- For this part for prepare the Abstract, Introduction/Background, References, and Bibliography for your paper.
i-The Abstract should be a very short (250 words) synopsis/summary of your paper. Perhaps a paragraph or two.
ii- The Introduction/Background should a short (500- 1000 words) introduction to the topic which doesn’t necessarily require literature citation. Perhaps two to five paragraphs.
iii- The Bibliography should be the list of all papers/sources that you perused during this paper effort and,thus, would double-count the References. Perhaps they are one in the same list, if you used/cited all the papers.