Case Study #4
The rubric provides additional information and requirements for the assignment. Please make sure that you use both the assignment description file AND the rubric when completing your work.
Write a 2 page briefing paper in which you present a summary of your research about the topic and your recommendations as to what should be included in a briefing to the new members of the Padgett-Beale Board of Directors. Be choosy about what you include – busy executives do not have the time to read lengthy, rambling papers. Don’t be too choosy however. Your recommended content should be comprehensive and fully address the briefing topic.
Some background info on this assignment: this is a role-playing class. Padgett-Beale is a fictional company. When addressing new members of the Padgett-Beale Board of Directors, it should be written in the persona (character) of an employee working Padgett-Beale to said members.
Please read the corporate profile first, then the instructions, followed by the rubric.