American Foreign Policy during the Cold War discussion
American Foreign Policy during the Cold War discussion
Question Description
I’m working on a history writing question and need support to help me study.
Pick three (3) of the following American Foreign policies:
Marshall Plan
Berlin Airlift
Anti-Communist Freedom Fighters
Vietnam (conflict) War
Camp David Accords
Strategic Defense Initiative (nicknamed “Star Wars”)
Then, address the following for your selections:
Explain how each of your choices was an effective policy to thwart international communist expansion.
Based on your selections, analyze if the United States should have feared international communist subversion during the Cold War era (1945-1991).
Follow-Up PostsCompare your selections and analysis of selections with those of your peers. If they chose different groups, examine how yours are similar and/or different. If they chose the same groups, build on their posts by providing additional information about the groups that you have not already noted in your own post.
Writing Requirements
Minimum of 2 posts (1 initial & 1 follow-up)
APA format for in-text citations and list of references
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