submit a proposal for the improvement of your academic school at Grossmont community college.
submit a proposal for the improvement of your academic school at Grossmont community college.
submit a proposal for the improvement of your academic school at Grossmont community college.
Utilize the argumentative strategy of creating a real or hypothetical rhetorical situation to promote your new idea. and be sure to discuss any positive/negative causal chains associated with your proposed idea.
A positive causal chain is an unfortunate sequence of events that are the results of your initial suggestions.
A negative causal chain is an unfortunate sequence of events that are the results of a problem in need of a remedy.
also be sure that your proposal is directed towards the appropriate addressee within your academic school or program. it is important that you are appealing to their specific concerns at this college.
you must also consider feasibility. remember that it is not realistic to make huge sweeping changes, only adjustment s ad alterations to functioning aspects of your educational environment.
your experience through college, maybe a teacher or conclear that made you take classes we didnt need.
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