Which patient out of the two would you prioritize your care? Why?
Which patient out of the two would you prioritize your care? Why?
Which patient out of the two would you prioritize your care? Why?
Patient #1: 38 year old patient admitted with complaints of shortness of breath and fatigue. Pt brought into emergency room by family member. Initial assessment significant for pulse oximetry of 85% on room air. ABG: pH 7.38, CO2 35.6, Bicarb 24, PO2 68, BE -1, SaO2 87%. Pt placed on 70% FiO2 via trach mask with an improvement of SaO2 to 90%. Chest radiograph demonstrates an infiltrate in the right middle lobe indicative of PNA. WBC 12,000, Hgb 9.8, Hct 27, Plt 120. Patient will be admitted to pulmonary step-down for management of the pneumonia (PNA).
PMHx: COPD, HTN, Laryngeal CA with radical neck resection and tracheostomy performed in 2000.
Patient #2: 55 year old male presented to ED with complaints of SOB. Initial assessment revealed decreased breath sounds to left lower lobe and SaO2 of 88% on room air. Chest radiograph revealed large left pleural effusion. Pleural chest tube placed to – 20 cm suction. Patient admitted to medical floor for management pleural effusion.
PMHx: Heart Failure, AFIB, Type 2 DM