Week 2 Fiedler’s Contingency Model Reflection Discussion
Week 2 Fiedler’s Contingency Model Reflection Discussion
Review the Yukl (2013) text for its practical discussion on ethical leadership. Also, reflect on the important leadership and management theories and practices covered during the past six weeks. Share one key point about ethical leadership that is most relevant to your current (or prior) work situation. Also, share how this course has impacted your perspective on leadership and management
Below are the topics that were discussed for six weeks. I am a director of social services in an employment woman shelter
Week 1 discussion 1 management versus leadership
Week 1 discussion 2 Evaluate your own management/leadership style
Week 2 discussion 1 adjustable leadership
Week 2 discussion 2 Fiedler’s Contingency Model
Week 3 discussion 1 Organizational Culture
Week 4 discussion 1 de-motivated daisy
Week 4 discussion 2 vision and values
Week 5 discussion 1 Power and Influence
Week 5 discussion 2 Leading Change
Week 6 final week discussion 1 Reflection
Allen, T., (2018) what’s the difference between Management and leadership? Jersey City, NJ Forbes Magazine
Germano, M., (2010), Leadership Style and Organizational Impact, Chicago, IL, Library Worklife: AlaApa
Anderson, L. & Anderson, D. (2009, November). Leading change. Leadership Excellence Essentials, 26(11), 3-4. (ProQuest Document ID: 1906542651)
Carter, L. & Carmichael, P. (2009, November). Best practices. Leadership Excellence Essentials, 26(11), 16-17. (ProQuest Document ID: 1906542781)