Web design

Web design

Develop a 5-6 page Word document that describes the design for a small Web site that meets the following specifications.

  • The Web site includes four or more Web pages designed according to current usability guidelines.
    • One page must be the Home page.
    • One page must be a subscription page that allows the user to become a member or subscribe to your organization and performs HTML data validation.
  • The Web site must incorporate the use of the following:
    • Images and Audio
    • At least one table (NOT for page layout)
    • At least one form
    • Navigation
    • Other valid HTML elements
    • Produce a cohesive site that is easy to navigate.
  • The Web site must include external CSS used to format and layout each Web page.
  • Validate the HTML in each Web page.
  • Validate the CSS style rules in each CSS.
  • The design document must include details about your design, technologies employed, potential challenges and explanations regarding your validation process. Include a title page.
  • Add the design document to the Visual Studio Web site folder.
  • Submit the Word Design document and the Web site into a .zip file.

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