This discussion board is two-part: Epigenetics & the Fourth

This discussion board is two-part: Epigenetics & the Fourth

This discussion board is two-part: Epigenetics & the Fourth Trimester.

Be sure to read any attached articles, handouts, or watch any videos.
Be sure to FULLY answer each question with thoughtfulness and depth.
You must reply to at least TWO other posts.
Keep your answers organized with the same organization that they are presented with (use headings & numbering)
As always, be respectful with your replies.

Read the article:

Who would be the best director for your life movie? Why? (This refers to the analogy at the end of the article. For example, I think Tim Burton would be an awesome director for my life’s movie because I love the aesthetics of his movies, they include a love story, and they happy endings despite the challenges of the characters). 
What diseases/illnesses (bodily or mental health) are common in your family? What types of environmental changes (refer to the verbal list I gave in the lecture video for Chapter 3 ) can you make to keep some of the mental/body diseases tags turned off?

The Fourth Trimester:
Read all of the attached articles:
file:///C:/Users/Elian/Downloads/The%20Fourth%20Trimester%208%20Ways%20to%20Create%20a%20Great%20One%20for%20Your%20Baby.pdf  file:///C:/Users/Elian/Downloads/The%20Fourth%20Trimester%20AKA%20Why%20Your%20Baby%20is%20Only%20Happy%20in%20Your%20Arms.pdf
3. What are the benefits of breastfeeding for baby? (Cite a page number from the textbook)
4. What are the benefits of breastfeeding for mom? (Cite a page number from the textbook)
5. What are the benefits of breastfeeding for the entire family? (Cite a page number from the textbook or an internet source)
6. Can every woman breastfeed? Why or why not? (Research: Do a quick internet search & provide your source).
7. Can all babies be breastfed successfully? Why or why not? (Research: Do a quick internet search & provide your source).
8. Your opinion: What are some of the challenges of breastfeeding? (Be sure to address each: societal, economic, & bodily)
9. The newborn stage can be a wonderful time for a new family but also a very stressful time. Why do we call it the fourth trimester? What are some of the challenges of the newborn stage & why? (Cite the article and the page number you are referencing)
10. Newborns are funny little humans, what makes them so different? (Be sure to address each: sleep-wake patterns, feeding, needs for closeness & attachment. Cite the article & page number that you are referencing)
11. What can parents & caregivers do to help newborns adapt to their new world? (Cite the article and the page number you are referencing)
12. What are some of the concerns of Cry It Out? What can you do instead? (Cite the article and the page number you are referencing)
13. What are some of the concerns/dangers of infants sleeping throughout the night? (Cite the article and the page number you are referencing)
14. Your opinion: why do you think that society places such unrealistic expectations on infants & new parents?
15. Your opinion: is an infant sleeping through the night se

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