The most effective intervention(s) to prevent stroke
The most effective intervention(s) to prevent stroke
· Question 94
The most effective intervention(s) to prevent stroke is (are):
· Question 95
What is the most commonly abused substance?
· Question 96
The hallmark of neurofibromatosis (von Recklinghausen’s disease) present in almost 100% of patients is:
· Question 97
Diagnostic evaluation of hypothyroidism reveals:
· Question 98
An obese hyperlipidemic patient, newly diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus, has fasting glucose values 180 to 250 mg/Dl. What is the most appropriate initial treatment to consider?
A. A low-calorie diet and exercise
B. Sliding-scale NPH insulin every 12 hours
C. A sulfonylurea and/or metformin (Glucophage® -XR)
D. Sliding-scale regular insulin every 6 hours