Structure and Implementation Proposal: Overview, assignment help

Structure and Implementation Proposal: Overview, assignment help

Scenario Imagine you are the IT director of the George Washington School District, a 30,000-student district spanning 30 elementary, six middle, and four high schools. As the district expands, you are continuously trying to improve the use of technology across the schools, specifically in the areas of resource and information management. The superintendent has informed you that the district was awarded a $100,000 grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to improve technology within the district, and the board is awaiting your determinations on what improvements may best serve the district. After meeting with the IT staff and talking to faculty and staff across the district, you have decided that integrating a district-wide ERP system would be the best use of the grant. Currently, data is stored centrally in the district office as well as in each of the 40 school databases. The IT team provides maintenance and support for the student information system, a district portal, 40 individual school websites, voice-over-internet protocol (VoiP), and the individual district office departments. The district office consists of the human resources department, budget, maintenance and operations, accounting, information technology, education technology, child welfare and attendance, risk management, special programs, and the special education department. The student system consists of a 2014 SQL Server with a Microsoft Access front end database. The business system is a proprietary system that runs on an IBM AS/400 Mainframe. Ideally, you would like to connect the following systems: student information system, human resources system, payroll, research and assessment, and risk management. In order to appropriate the recent funds to implement the ERP system, you must brief the school board at the next meeting on your proposal and the value of enterprise resource planning for the district. Additionally, you must construct a proposal detailing how the funds will be utilized and the steps for implementation of an ERP system. While the board members will be primarily concerned about your presentation and your expected allocation of funds, IT staff will need the detailed proposal to prepare for implementation and potential challenges. Therefore, it is important to balance the technical needs with the organizational needs while drafting your written proposal in order to connect with both audiences. Be sure to provide the appropriate resources and examples for support when necessary. In the professional IT world, research is key, and supporting your claims becomes one of the most successful means of persuasion.

Final Project Two: Structure and Implementation Proposal: Overview Organizations in every industry are continually attempting to streamline business practices and processes, efficiently allocate resources, and improve overall business value. More and more, information technology (IT) provides the best solutions for organizational issues, making it important for IT professionals to gain an understanding of resource management and business needs, both at the procedural and technical levels. As such, your final project for this course centers on the use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. You will be constructing a proposal for decision-makers that explains the function and value of such systems and will develop a basic structure and implementation plan for an ERP system catered to the organization outlined in the scenario below. This project will provide you with the opportunity to highlight the value of ERP systems and to make recommendations for improving enterprise resource management in an organization. In Final Project Two, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

 Integrate software and technology used in collecting, storing, and sharing data into cohesive enterprise resource management systems

 Evaluate the effectiveness of tools and technology for managing enterprise resources within specific industries

 Assess the extent to which existing and proposed information systems have the potential for consolidating technologies and successful integration into organizationalenvironments

 Analyze existing and proposed business processes for opportunities to improve efficiency across enterprises

 Construct enterprise resource planning proposals that address organizational needs and optimize business processes Prompt Assuming that you obtained board approval to move forward with this project, you will next create a structure and implementation proposal that details the steps required to complete the implementation from start to finish. Remember: you are providing an implementation strategy for IT staff that outlines the structure and steps for successful implementation. When you make assumptions based on the context and scenario, be sure to identify them and explain your reasoning. As a professional, you will want to provide support for your assumptions and conclusions to ensure your projects maintain validity. Specifically, the follow critical elements must be addressed:

I. Introduction: Provide an introduction that lays the groundwork for your proposal and tells the audience the importance of the proposal and how, in general, it will benefit the school district. II. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP):

a) Existing Systems: What existing systems will need to be replaced, updated, or integrated with new software? Assess the existing systems for their potential to be successfully integrated into thenew structure.

b) Enterprise Resource System: Provide your justification and rationale for the specific type of ERP system you have selected. Why was the tool you selected the best choice for the school district? What particular aspects were appealing for providing a cohesive representation of resources across the district?

c) Software Integration: Which systems will you include in the ERP? What type of information will you need to identify from each system? How will you integrate collection, storage, and sharing toolsto ensure a cohesive representation of district resources?

d) Visualization: Provide a visual representation of the overall structure you intend to implement. This should include a view for both board members and IT professionals to refer to. Be sure to make reference to any remaining systems and highlight how the new system will allow each remote office to link to the centrallocation.

e) Assessment of Proposed Integration: Assess the extent to which you feel the new system will have consolidated the old variety of disparate systems that currently exist. How willsuch consolidation improve efficiency across the district? Provide appropriate support to your reasoning.

III. Implementation:

a) Timeline and Steps: Include a reasonable timeline forimplementation. Some things to consider: Is there sufficient time between milestones? What milestones and key deliverables will be required to complete the data warehouse from start to finish?

b) Tools: What tools are available to help integrate existing software? What criteria will you use to determine how effective the tools are in meeting the needs of the organization?

c) Business Processes: How will you determine the workflow of common processes within the organization? To what extent will the ERP system improve efficiency of businessprocesses?

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