Strayer University Shrinking Red Knots Article Questions
Strayer University Shrinking Red Knots Article Questions
Topic 2 [articles]: Shrinking Red Knots. Read two articles about shrinking Red Knots. Then, address the following issues:
(a) Explain how the lifecycle of the Red Knot depends on hatchlings emerging at the same time as the insects hatch.
(b) What are the long-term ramifications of having a mismatch between the bird hatch and the insect hatch?
(c) Of the two articles you read, which of them do you feel was most informative? Why?
Briggs, H. (2016, May 12). Shrinking bird pays the bill for Arctic warming. Retrieved from:
Dussault, J. (2016, May 12). Climate change chould be shrinking these arctic birds. The Christian Science Monitor. Retrieved from:
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