Pyridoxine or neostigmine
Treatment for the patient involves pyridostigmine-what does this drug do and how would it benefit our patient?
Pyridoxine or neostigmine is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitors which acts to degrades acetylcholine thereby preventing the acetylcholinesterase from breaking down resulting in the increased of acetylcholine around the muscle cells and this helps to counteract the effect of acetylcholine antibodies receptors, this helps counteracts the effect of acetylcholine antibodies, thereby minimizing the effect or sign and symptoms of myasthenia gravis, additionally immunosuppressive drugs such as prednisone can be utilized and for those individual who fails to react with medications a surgical intervention can be done or what we call thymectomy. There is no treatment with myasthenia gravis supportive and prevention of myasthenia crisis which is life-threatening is the goal of treatment.