PSY330 Columbia Southern Study of Personality Future Profession Questions
PSY330 Columbia Southern Study of Personality Future Profession Questions
Take this opportunity to explore which school or schools of thought resonated with you, either in your own life or in anticipation of a future profession. You may discuss topics from your Unit VII paper or include insight from Unit VIII, but the goal should be an honest response to your learning over the length of this course.
You may also use these questions to guide you or for inspiration, but you are not required to answer these exact questions in your reflection.
- How has the study of personality changed your view of personality? What are the questions about personality that still remain for you after our study?
- Of the personality theories studied in this course, with which do you most identify? Why? Compare this theory to the theory with which you feel the least connection.
- Discuss what you have learned during the class and how it will assist you in achieving further academic or work-related goals.
Your paper should be at least one page in length and should follow APA formatting (double spacing, Times New Roman 12-point font, title page, running head, one-inch margins), but no references or citations are required.
TTextbook: Frager, R., & Fadiman, J. (2013). Personality and personal growth (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.