. Provide recommendations of what the company should apply in order to strengthen its position to the market according the analysed issue / key trend / development.
submit an assignment focused on understanding the importance of research and evidence based nursing in informing their clinical practice and will include a critique of a research paper using a critiquing tool. a An essay of 3000 words in which the importance of evidenced based nursing and research will be discussed. Then the student will pick one original research article relevant to nursing and critique it using an established tool or framework. b) Areas to be addressed could include; A description of Evidence based nursing. The history and recent origins of evidenced based practice and evidence based nursing. The benefits and potential drawbacks of EBN. The article chosen should be an original research article and not a literature review or opinion iece or editorial. The research should be relevant to nursing. There are a large number of research critique frameworks. Choose one and use this to critique your article
Environmental Scanning and Analysis ReportStudents should select a real company (preferably a large one) [tourism/hospitality company for hospitality students] that operates in UK. Then they should focus on sociocultural or socioeconomic issues that, according to their opinion, may have an impact on the selected company in the foreseeable future (maximum three years ahead). It’s up to the students to decide in which of the two (sociocultural or socioeconomic).Within each of the above two groups, they should select one (ONLY) issue, key trend, or development that may have an impact on the selected company. In the report students are expected to:1. Provide a brief presentation of the selected company.2. Describe the issue / key trend / development. Collect and provide adequately referenced information (business and/or academic sources) that support its existence.3. Discuss how the selected issue / key trend / development may affect: the consumers4. Provide recommendations of what the company should apply in order to strengthen its position to the market according the analysed issue / key trend / development.
Specifications:Type: ReportMaximum Length: 2500 words (including references & appendices)Weighting: 50%Writing Style: Times New Roman, Font 12, 1.5 spacingReferencing: Harvard SystemType of Submission: Electronic ONLYSubmission Deadline: Week 13
Particular instructions to students:1. It is required that you gain a very good picture of company X’s products and customers. It is essential therefore that you review in detail its website and its online presence in general.
2. Companies usually offer not only a single product, but numerous products within what is known as a product portfolio. It may be the case that the force / key trend / development that you identify apply only for one product, or for all its products. Therefore, please be specific in your report on whether what you are discussing has an impact only in one product or more.
3. In the likely scenario that the company you choose has a presence in many countries, it may be the case that the issue / key trend / development you identified does not have a global effect, but an effect only in one country, or a region of countries. In such a case it is expected that you should focus on an issue / key trend / development that has an effect in UK.
4. You may find it helpful to have a look at the chapters about the marketing environment in the books included in the Further Reading.
5. It is recommended that you should start following and systematically monitoring websites that provide news and trends, both general but also specific to your company’s sector.
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