PHIL1301 Why Is Plato My Favorite Philosopher & His Contributions Paper
PHIL1301 Why Is Plato My Favorite Philosopher & His Contributions Paper
The abstract 1) may not be less than ½ page in length and no more than 1 full page, 2) is to be single spaced, 3) in 12 point, 4) Times New Roman font 5) with 1” margins all around. 6) Do not head or title your paper; the text of your first paragraph must begin on the first line after the 1” margin. For each violation of the formal requirements listed there will be a 5 point penalty (possibly 30 points total).
Your abstract must be submitted via Turnitin in the Canvas classroom. (Note: DO NOT attempt to access Turnitin on the turnitin website, you will not be successful. Also, your submission MUST be made on a PC. Submissions cannot be made on a mobile device.) Before uploading your paper, consider the following instructions: name the document of your paper with your name and the title or subject of your abstract (for example, “Greg Trickett, Plato and Hume.doc”.); do not upload your paper in pdf or pages format, the best format for you to use is a .doc format (Word); if you use an Apple computer, you will need to convert your document to a .doc format before uploading it.
The abstract will constitute 15% of the total course grade. The turnitin submission tool will open one week before the abstract is due. You may submit your abstract any time, when the submission tool is open, before the due date and will be allowed to resubmit up to the due date. Late abstracts will be accepted but will be docked one letter grade (10 points) for each day they are late. Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to submit the abstract to the turnitin application on time. Technical problems with uploading the abstract will not be accepted as an excuse. If you are unfamiliar with the process of uploading a paper to turnitin, let me know. If you have technical problems uploading your abstract, you should let me know as soon as possible. I will notsubmit abstracts for you. In fact I can’t submit abstracts for you, so it is in your best interest to submit your abstract early to avoid any technical delays that may negatively impact your grade.
Please note that I do not allow you to see the originality report for your paper. Make sure that you are using good writing skills and that you are avoiding any and all plagiarism issues by properly citing any outside source you may use (you are not required to use outside sources, but if you do you must cite them properly). If the only source you use is the textbook, you still must cite it, but in that case you do not need to include bibliographic info, a simple parenthetical note including the first author or editor and a page number will suffice. For sources other than the required textbook, you must give a parenthetical citation and full bibliographic info on a works cited page (the “Works Cited” page will not count in the length of the abstract). Plagiarism, collusion or any other academic dishonesty on any assignment in this course will result in a failing grade on such assignments. This also includes work you have written for any other class (including previous semesters/sections of this class). In addition to a failing grade, students who submit such work will be referred to the academic dean regarding an Academic Integrity Violation. Should you have questions or need help, you are welcome to contact me or visit the writing center.