identify and describe the general guidelines and plan you
identify and describe the general guidelines and plan you
Assignment 1: Team Project Part 1: Project Charter and Team Plan for Collaboration
This week you begin working with a team to manage a fictional information technology project being implemented at the Casino Medical Center.
Work with your team members to create and submit a Project Charter and Team Plan for Collaboration based on the Team Project Scenario and the Team Project Overview document. Review the details about the Project Charter and Team Plan for Collaboration below:
Team Project Scenario
Casino Medical Center (CMC) in Las Vegas, a 600-bed hospital, has expanded significantly over the past 3 years. In an effort to respond to the increased workload of all hospital staff, the chief information officer (CIO) and the vice president of patient care services (VP-PCS) at CMC determined the need to analyze hospital processes throughout the organization.
The CMC organizational analysis revealed a number of areas that needed improvement. At the same time, broad changes in regulatory requirements required immediate adjustments in processes.
The organizational analysis was conducted across all departments and found the following organization-wide issues.
· Quality reviews discovered a hospital-wide medication administration error rate of 20% with some tasks identified as redundanttasks.
· Complying with new federal reporting requirements has increased the time needed to complete the medication administrationprocess.
CMC responded to the problem by purchasing an enterprise-wide health care information system from Topmost, one of the leading enterprise-software vendors in the country. The functionality of the system directly addresses the medication administration issues found in the organizational analysis. Several modules of an electronic health record system (EHRS) have already been implemented, as shown in the table below.
As employees of Topmost, you and your team are charged with implementing this medication administration system for CMC, the final phase of the EHRS project. This medication administration system includes an electronic medication administration record (eMAR), Barcode Medication Administration (BCMA), and physical administration of medication. Note: For the remainder of this scenario, this whole process will be referred to as the Medication Administration System (MAS).
Module Implementation Status
Module in the HIS System
Status of Module Implementation
Fully implemented
Partially implemented
In pilot
Not yet implemented
ADT (Accounting System)
Order Entry/Results Reporting OE/RR)
Billing and Financials
Ambulatory and Acute Care Clinical Documentation System
Module in the HIS System
Status of Module Implementation
Fully implemented
Partially implemented
In pilot
Not yet implemented
Medication Administration System (MAS)
Note that the Medication Administration System (MAS) module has not been implemented.
The CIO and VP-PCS relate that there are a number of challenges associated with the CMC health care information system program, including the MAS project. One risk is that the initial implementation of the MAS may result in a temporary increase in medication errors. Another risk is that staff resistance to the new workflows and processes brought about by the MAS may cause delays in the completion of the implementation.
In meetings with the CIO and VP, they state that the first task for the team is to develop the project charter. The MAS team is assigned specific elements to be included in the project charter: the mission of the project, the problem statement, the project objectives, key stakeholders, milestones, and risks for the project. A list of the team members and the team’s plan for collaboration on this project also will be integrated into the charter.
A new chief medical information officer (CMIO) has been hired. This CMIO does not have the informatics expertise required to lead this critical and large project. However, the CMIO has gained solid experience on small-scale decision-support projects at a former institution while studying informatics in graduate school. The CMIO is looking forward to learning from you and your team.
The budget for the MAS project is approved up to $1 million. If more than $1 million is needed to implement the project, the additional expenditure must be justified in a project plan that key stakeholders approve. The software application for the Medication Administration System and necessary hardware have already been purchased, but they have not been delivered. Your team has a timeline of 6 months to complete the MASproject.
Project Charter
Work with your team to create a project charter that includes the following:
Mission of the project
Problem statement
Project objectives
Scope of the project
Milestones within the project
Deliverables—a defined product produced as part of the project
List of key stakeholders
Project risks
List of team members, roles, and a plan for collaboration
Much of the information for the project charter can be extrapolated from the Team Project Scenario. As the project moves forward, additional hypothetical situations for the project can be developed by the team members.
2- Team Plan for Collaboration
Working as a team, create and submit your team’s plan for collaboration. In this plan, you identify and describe the general guidelines and plan you will follow to work successfully online and optimize your collective skills. Address the following:
1. Team identification: A listing of all team members. (Susan N., Barbara W., Jaime W.).
2. Team vision: A brief statement that embodies your team’s ideal in completing this project and targets all you want to accomplish together.
3. Processes and expectations for communication: The most effective means of working together from a distance are asynchronous modes that allow team members to express thoughts and share ideas according to their own schedules. You also need to consider the best ways to share any documents or information you may gather from speaking directly to an expert in a field or from a source that is only available to you in hard copy.
4. Determination of roles and division of work for the project: Typical roles include an organizer, who makes sure that everyone stays on track; editors, who take the agreed-upon final contributions of team members and fit them into the team-project deliverable; and a presenter, who uploads the assembled version of the project into the document sharing area and writes a summary introduction. These suggested roles are guidelines. For the purposes of this project, you may discover that different or additional roles that fit the project scenario are most effective. Each team member could be assigned a position title and credentials that match their role in the project scenario. Keep in mind that the team roles may change as requirements change. None of the roles you decide on takes the place of participation when it comes to the content of the project. All team members should contribute to the project content and discussions. (DO NOT DO THIS PART)
5. Approaches to conflict and agreement: This item should address the way you would like to see conflicts resolved and determine agreed-upon guidelines or processes you will follow to resolve them. Consider a worst-case scenario and agree to specific actions the team will take should this scenario occur. Include a description of potential negative consequences that may result from the actions.
6. Expectations for participation: One of the biggest objections to working with an online team is the fear that some members will not participate or that one or two members will be burdened with the majority of the work. In this section, determine and agree upon expectations for participation and the measures you will take when someone is not participating as fully as you expect or when someone seems to be doing too much, such as taking over all of the discussions. Have a plan for taking on a team member’s work, should the need arise to do so.
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