How long is the working duration of a shift at Eco Green?
How long is the working duration of a shift at Eco Green?
The Eco Green Company produces environmentally friendly products for lawn care. It produces a Manual Push (MP) mower, Solar Powered (SP) mower, and Battery Powered (BP) mower on a single production line using a mixed-model production line. The current sequence , which is repeated 30 times during a shift is, MP-BP-SP-MP-BP-MP-SP-BP-MP.-BP A new mower is produced every one and a half minutes. The company operates its factory 7 days a week 360 days a year with only 1 continuous shift for day. Based on this information, answer the following questions.How long does it take for the repeating production cycle to be completed?How long is the working duration of a shift at Eco Green?How many of each type of mower does Eco Green produce a shift?How might the production sequence be improved? (Provide a new improved sequence and mention why your sequence is better.)Consider a component X, one of which is used in every 3rd Battery Powered (BP) mower, that upgrades the handle of the mower and allows Eco Green to sell the mower at a premium price. The average lead-time = (wait time in queue + production time) for one container of Component X is 4 days. The container size for X is 10 units; so each time component X’s kanban authorizes production 10 units of X are produced. A 20% minimum safety stock is desired to compensate for uncertainties in demand and production; this means that the desired target inventory is at least 1.20 times the work-in-process inventory level computed using the data above without including uncertainties. Daily demand for all Battery Powered mowers is 120 units.Estimate the number of kanban card required for Component X.
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