Examine factors that would encourage or impede the use of evidence-based information to inform nursing care decisions where you currently practice?
Question DescriptionUsing the model for designing clinical questions found in the Rebar and Gersch text,Box 1.3 (Designing Clinical Questions Using PICO or PICOT),BOX 1.3Designing Clinical Questions Using PICO or PICOT PICO – PICOT P = Population: Who you are interested in studying; the population I = Intervention: the treatment or intervention of interest C = Comparison: the intervention you are comparing “I” to in the question O = Outcomes: the outcomes you are planning to measure T = Time of data collection Example: What is the efficacy of individual versus group teaching methods for newly diagnosed adolescent diabetic patients on patient compliance with diabetic regimen? P = adolescent diabetic patients I = individual teaching method C = group teaching method O = patient compliance with diabetic regimenT = new diagnosed through patient compliance measurementidentify a clinical question based on your own nursing practice and briefly discuss why this is important to you. [Example: Would daily hygiene care (traditional AM care) be better scheduled in the evenings to prepare patients for restful sleep?]Select whichever of the four traditional approaches to answering clinical questions discussed in Rebar and Gersch—authority, intuition, professional experience, and reference texts—you believe would best address the question. Include in your discussion why you would select this approach over the other three.Answer the following questions:How did you determine that this is an appropriate question to inform nursing practice?Examine factors that would encourage or impede the use of evidence-based information to inform nursing care decisions where you currently practice?
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