economic assignment

economic assignment

Use the following information to develop a full recommendation of action; this would include two possible contingency plans.

For your final assignment, you are the Chief Domestic (US) Officer of Hyundai Group, and you face an uncertain future with US trade restrictions and tariffs.The CEO has tasked you with developing the plan of action for the company’s automotive division (this includes Hyundai and KIA).The CEO needs your recommendation of possible location choices to minimize any financial damage that the company would face if the trade situation worsens in the future.Currently, approximately 30 percent of cars produced in the company’s US plants are exported to countries throughout the world except for China.The CEO wants your recommendation of possible location changes for the US operations.The company will likely not change location; however, the CEO wants to keep all options available for the near future.

You will need to do your research on the several factors for this assignment; these include but are not limited to:

  • Relationship with the South Korean Government
  • Availability of raw materials
  • Availability of trained labor
  • The ability of migration for senior and mid-level employees
  • Proximity to markets
  • The ability of the pliers to also locate
  • Shipping costs of materials
  • Reliability of shipping
  • Infrastructure needs/situation.
  • Transportation costs of exports
  • Government subsidies to locate

The CEO wants to have several options (at least 3) presented for planning purposes.While the operation will likely not move, the plan gives the company leverage in future negotiations.The report needs to address all the critical issues in the above list.

The report is your FINAL Project and will be graded as such meaning you will need to have a complete and professional report.

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