Discuss Apple Inc. marketing strategy ?
Discuss Apple Inc. marketing strategy ?
Topic:Think about the impact and message of a giant brand like Apple Inc. Profile its “personality” or image and discuss the brand marketing strategy the company uses to ensure that its brand is effective and growing. If the company had a brand marketing failure, examine this as well and describe the lessons learned from this mistake.
Paper length: Minimum, 6 pages (1500 words), not including references and graphics (if used).
Maximum length is 8 pages (1800 words). Appendices may be included if appropriate but are not required and will not be part of the word count.
Specifications: Double-spaced, 1” margins. APA footnote or endnote style.
Citations:You will use a minimum of 5 outside sources to support your work and use the textbook to make any connections. They must be cited both in the paper (in-text or footnotes) and in a works – cited section at the end of the paper. You will alphabetize your citations and use hanging indents.
Structure:The following structure should be followed, with labeled parts and subparts as appropriate.
Part 1: Topic– Explain the case study (situations, history, relevant issues internally & externally)
Part 2: Analysis–Identify and analyze the major problem(s) (research issue and alternate solutions, previous experiences in this and other companies) A minimum of 5 outside sources will be used to support this section.
Part 3: Application– Offer 3 alternate solutions with pros and cons for each
Part 4: Discussion and Critical Thinking–Make a recommendation for best action (of the three) and explain your reasoning
Part 5: Conclusion–Explain implementation steps and implications of solutions
You will also prepare a one-page executive summary of your paper that condenses your work.