Diabetes case study | cipdpro.co.uk

Diabetes case study | cipdpro.co.uk

1) Describe the 3 types of diabetes Insipidus. 2) What lab values would you expect to see with each type? 3) Describe the causes/potential causes of each type and how the treatment varies between the 3 types and why 4) What would indicate a “red flag “symptom in any of them and require urgent treatment
Case Study:
A 30 yr. old female comes to see you for complaints of fatigue. She is 8 months post-partum and delivered a healthy baby. She thought her fatigue was initially due to post-partum, but states that the fatigue is worsening. She is also bothered by some weight gain over the past few months.
1) What else would you want to ask in her review of systems? 2) What specifics would you look for on physical exam? 3) How would you explain to her the most likely cause of her symptoms and why this is happening?
Case Study:
A 55 year old obese male (BMI 33.1) comes to see you with complaints of weight gain and fatigue. His history is significant for hypertension and hyperlipidemia. These are controlled with medications. You check a random fasting blood sugar in the office and it is 150 fasting. His point of care HgBA1C is 6.6
1) Explain how his obesity contributes to the beta cell dysfunction seen with Type 2 DM 2) Explain how GLP 1 receptor agonists improve glucose control in the diabetic patient. 3) What are the pros can cons of dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibitors versus GLP 1 receptor

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