defined each ethical princple and name them
defined each ethical princple and name them
i will post my work here in file “paper 3′ and need some changes,
First, i need you to combined the work into the file called “final paperdraft” and when you move into the right section i need my part to be read like a paper not in sections or not numbered list as i did. Be creative please
Second,i need you to name each a single ethichal princple in what i wrote. Also, please check these check list if they are included or not.
Third, please highlighted every single word you did, so it can be easy for me to read what you did
What is the central technical problem? (.15)
i.. How is the central technical problem related to the ethical problems in the case?
D. What is/are the ethical problem/problems? (.15)
i. What ethical problems do you see in the case?
ii. What is the central ethical problem?
iii. Why is this the central ethical problem?
E. What ethical principles apply to the central ethical problem? (.30)
i. Do you correctly define the ethical principles you use?
ii. Have you correctly applied the ethical principles you use?
iii. Do the principles you use withstand obvious criticisms from other ethical perspectives?