COVID pneumonia treatment parameters
COVID pneumonia treatment parameters
This is a Master Degree Nurse Practioner program minimum of 350 words with at least 2 peer review reference in 7 the edition apa style. Please do not use international references
You are making rounds in the intensive care and the nurse reports the patient has spiked a fever, oxygen saturations are below 85%, tachycardia, and variant hypotension. The patient is intubated and has been treated for COVID pneumonia for 10 days. What are some specific aspects of assessment and diagnostic workup on which you would want to focus? Provide three differential diagnoses at this point and what treatment parameters you need to start while ruling out complications. What are the risk factors necessary to take into considerations as you develop treatment parameters for this patient? Think about sepsis from multiple sources of a prolonged ICU stay. Support your answer with two or three peer-reviewed resources.