compare and contrast essay
DIRECTIONS: We often have experiences which require making a choice. When this occurs, factors regarding that decision often include examining the similarities (comparison) and/or the differences (contrast). Select from the list below one topic to research background information. Remember to think of a reason for comparing and/or contrasting the items. Then follow the directions to complete the assignment. The suggested topics to compare and/or contrast are:
1. Media: Print/Electronic/Audio
2. Work/Jobs
3. Relationships
4. Transportation
5. Shopping: Online/Mall
6. Dating
7. Automobiles: Gasoline/Electric/Hybrid
* Conduct a Google search on the origin, history and other important facts about the selected topic.
* Develop a comparison and/or contrast outline that includes background information, other pertinent elements, or details.
* Write a 5 paragraph essay that compares and/or contrasts the items in the topic.
* Give the outline and 5 paragraph essay a title. Do not underline the title. Indent the first line of the paragraph.
* Double space the paragraph.