Choose one of the musical selections to analyze critically. You may access these pieces through the YouTube website:
Choose one of the musical selections to analyze critically. You may access these pieces through the YouTube website:
- Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Bernstein—Baviera 1/6) [Video file][9 min 10 sec]
- Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (attr. J. S. Bach) [Video file][8 min 33 sec]
- The Prayer (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Foster, Bocelli, Dion; Live NYC Central Park, 2011) [Video file][5 min 18 sec]
- After choosing and listening to one of the selections, conduct research on one of the composers before writing your critical analysis outline. A minimum of two sources are required for this assignment. Because musical terminology can be difficult for those who have not had substantial training, use as a guide the modified critical analysis outline below rather than the one at the conclusion of Chapter 5. You may want to refer to Chapter 5 and the accompanying PowerPoint for any terms or concepts necessary in the analysis. Be sure to include all of the following points:
· Classical form
· Composer or vocalist biography (brief)
· Background of the selection
· Dynamics
· Message or intended effect
· Use of instruments or voices
· Your personal response
Be sure to include a convincing, inclusive conclusion at the end of your critical analysis and a bibliography of at least two sources that you used to prepare your analysis, one of which may be the class text. Do not use and cite Wikipedia
Write a 750 word critical analysis. Follow the APA style. Please use citations and References atleast 4.
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