Calculus Polynomials, Equations And Interval Exercise Help
Calculus Polynomials, Equations And Interval Exercise Help
1) Find the limit:
limx–>-1 (2x3-2x2+x+3)
2) Find the limit:
limx–>1 [(x-1)(x+2)/(x-1)]
3) What is the coordinate of the center of this circle:
(x -1)2 + (y +3)2 = 4
4) What is the radius of this circle:
(x -1)2 + (y +3)2 = 4
5) let f(x)= 2x-1 , g(x)= 3x2 + 4, find this composition:
f(x) o g(x) =?
6) Find derivative of f(x):
f(x)= x
7) find derivative of g(x).
g(x)= 7x
8) find derivative of f(x).
f(x)= 3x2 -5x +1
9) Find slope of tanget line to y = 2x2 -3 at x = -1
10) Find derivartive of y = 1/x
11) find derivative of y = square root of x
12) Use implicit derivative to fine y’ for the expression given below:
yx – x = x2
13) Find derivative of y = 2x
14) find derivative of y = 52x-3
15) Find derivative of f(x) = ln (3x2-x)
16) find derivative of the g(x) = log2 x
17) Let f(x)=x2 -6x +2
Find coordinate of the minimum point, using derivative.
18) Find increasing interval for f(x) = x2 -4x +3
19) Find decreasing interval for f(x) = x2 -4x +3
20) Find derivative of y = x. lnx
hint: use product rule