analyze a current issue or topic of interest and evaluate a possible public policy action to address that issue.
analyze a current issue or topic of interest and evaluate a possible public policy action to address that issue.Issue Analysis Assignment The purpose of this assignment is to analyze a current issue or topic of interest and evaluate a possible public policy action to address that issue. As part of this analysis, you will assess whether the proposed public policy action is a feasible option at this time. The policy action proposed within this paper may serve as the basis for the development of the advocacy plan and communication assignments. Components and evaluation Begin by determining if you will complete this assignment individually or with a partner. For this paper you are to focus on a current issue which impacts health or wellness and identify and analyze one possible public policy action intended to improve health outcomes related to this issue. In identifying your issue, you will need to determine how to frame the issue and focus the scope. You will then analyze the current context to understand the issue and forces which may help or hinder possible action on this issue. Once you understand your issue, it is possible to consider various actions, and select one for further analysis. In determining a possible policy action, it is important that you determine the desired location or level of possible action. You may propose public policy action at the local, regional, state, or federal level or action within the public agencies. The policy approach does not need to a policy action currently under consideration. Your paper will consist of the following: The first sections of your paper define the topic or issue, provide the background on the issue, and analyze the context. In this section: Introduce and define the issue and provide information on why this is an important issue to consider and/or what aspects are important to consider now; Identify the specific aspect(s) of this issue on which you wish to focus. For example, if you are interested in access to care, this is a broad and complex issue which is influenced by the number, skill, and geographic location of providers, financial resources, health care literacy, and so forth. So, do take time to understand your area of focus and define the scope to be considered. Analyze the context of the issue, considering historical, social, cultural, economic, legal, political, and ethical factors which contribute to the current environment as well as those which might support or inhibit action. Provide support for your assertions. Do make certain you are aligning your contextual analysis with the appropriate level of possible action. For example, do not discuss the only rate of X in Minnesota if you are considering action at the federal level. The next sections of the paper identifies and analyzes a public policy approach to address the issue. Here you will: Propose a public policy action or approach to address your specific area of concern or a significant component of the issue. This does not need to be an action currently proposed or under consideration. Describe the identified action and provide rationale for the approach selected; Compare and contrast the proposed approach with the current situation or status quo. Consider how those factors identified in the analysis of the context of the issue might influence or impact advancing this proposed approach. Identify the resources or impact on resources needed to advance the proposed solution. Identify stakeholders and interests. Identify what influences each stakeholder group might bring either in support or opposition of the identified action. This should include considering how the proposed policy action aligns or does not align with various ideologies or positions of the current elected officials, who might benefit or be negatively impacted, and the public awareness of the issue and/or support for advancing this approach. The last section of the paper discusses your analysis and provides your recommendation. Here you will: Based on your analysis of the stakeholders and their influence, the context surrounding the issue, and the status quo, determine the political feasibility of advancing the proposed approach at this time. Recommend whether to proceed, revise, or delay action to advance the proposed approach. Provide rational for recommendation made. If the recommendation is to delay action at this time, provide information on what needs to be in place or change for conditions to be supportive of proceeding. If the recommendation is to revise the approach, provide details on what changes are needed and why. The recommendation follows logically from the analysis and discussion. Summarize and conclude your paper. Note: Evidence and support should be utilized throughout this paper in support of the assertions and analysis.