A list of specific types of transporters found in cell
A list of specific types of transporters found in cell
A list of specific types of transporters found in cell membranes is given below. Choose ONE of these and then describe in detail:
how the transporter works
whether it is an active or passive transporter
a specific type of cell that it can be found in and why it is important in this cell type
consequences for body function when this transporter type fails (due to a mutation that makes it non-functional).
Transporter types:
Sodium/Potassium Pump (this one is quite straight forward so you should be able to give a very detailed description).
GLUT transporters (choose one of these):
Sodium/Glucose transporters in enterocytes
Gated ion channels in the cochlea of the ear
Voltage-gated Na+ channel
Voltage-gated K+ channel
Voltage-gated Ca+2 channel
Chloride leak channels
Hydrogen ion (H+) ATPase
Dopamine transporter (DAT)
Serotonin transporter
Norepinephrine transporter
In some cases, you may be able to find a specific related disease. If you do not, think about why the transporter needs to be in the cell type you named and think about what would happen to the body if the transporter did not work.