4 Week Masters’ Program Cybercrime Class
4 Week Masters’ Program Cybercrime Class
Meeting TimesFall 2021
Students who Email me can expect a reply within 48 hours M-F.
Grade feedback response time:
-Discussions: 4 days.
-Exams: 7 days.
Contact InformationLU email: salasti@lamar.edu
Office: MAES BLD. #73
Phone: 409-880-8549
Catalog DescriptionA comprehensive overview of various theoretical approaches to the understanding of crime and delinquency, including selectedbiological, psychological, sociological, legal and/or political theories.
ObjectivesStudents who successfully complete this course will be able to:
1. Explain the history of major criminological theories;2. Describe the main concepts and causal logic of the theories;3. Summarize the evidence in support of them;4. Analyze criminal behavior by applying an appropriate criminological theory.
Course Outcome
This course will cover criminological theories of crime from past centuries to the present. These works can be conceptualized intofour major categories of thought: (1) theories focusing upon individual, group and/or environmental origins of crime; (2) theoriesfocusing upon the role of social control agencies in creating, perpetuating or intensifying crime; (3) theories connecting crime to thesocial, political and economic conditions reflected in America’s capitalistic society, and (4) theories that attempt to integrate several
Main Campus · College of Arts and Sciences · Sociology, Soc Work, Crim Just
Theoretical FoundationCRIJ-5320Fall 2021 Section 00 3 Credits 08/23/2021 to 10/15/2021 Modified 08/18/2021
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other individual theories in an effort to provide a more compelling explanation of crime.
Course MaterialsRequired Text: Cullen, Francis; Agnew, Robert; Wilcox, Pamela, Criminological Theory: Past to Present, Oxford University Press, SixthEdition, ISBN: 978-0190639341
Course PoliciesCourse Requirements
Students must complete the following requirements in order to complete this course:
Write a response to: Exercises & Assignments.Read assigned pages from the textbooks.Introducing web links related to the topic.Write a book review.Final Exam.
Organization of the Online Course: The online version of Theoretical Foundations has been organized into 8 units consisting ofchapters from the textbooks for each unit. Each unit has its own files, assignments, and tests. Some units also have video.
Assignment & Discussion Instructions: The assignments are related to the chapter readings and other materials provided to you onBlackboard. Upon completion or near completion of the assigned readings and activities, you are expected to engage in an ongoingdiscussion/debate with your classmates. Your contributions to the discussion forums will be graded. I’ll use a rubric for gradingdiscussion assignments. You can find the rubric in the Start Here and Resources section of the course.
Discussion posts will be posted by the first day of class, August 23, 2021 in the discussion board. Assignments and discussions aredue by 11:00PM CST on the following Fridays:
Discussion Post #1 due on August 27, 2021 Discussion Post #5 due on September 24, 2021
Discussion Post #2 due on Sep. 3, 2021. Discussion Post #6 due on October 1, 2021
Discussion Post #3 due on Sep. 10, 2021 Discussion Post #7 due on October 8, 2021
Discussion Post #4 due on Sep. 17, 2021
You are required to answer the discussion questions using your textbook/additional materials (if applicable/required) as your primarysource(s). Additional source materials are always welcome and should be cited accordingly and are sometimes required in order foryou to complete the assignment.
Please keep in mind that all posts must be substantive and meaningful. Proper grammar and word usage are required. I will takethis opportunity to remind you that your discussion posts are formal assignments and will therefore be graded as such.
Exams: There will be three exams in this course. Exams will be 1-2 hours in length (depending on test composition) and will beaccessible for a 17-hour period beginning at 6:00AM on the day of the exam until 11:00PM CST that evening. YOU WILL ONLY BEALLOWED TO ACCESS THE EXAM ONCE.
Scholarly Book Review: The final component of this course is for you to read the book, Becaria, Cesare (1764). An Essay on Crimesand Punishments: https://oll.libertyfund.org/titles/beccaria-an-essay-on-crimes-and-punishments
and write a scholarly book review. For this assignment, you must cite at least five peer-reviewed articles, not books, in your review.Your scholarly book review must be between 2,250 to 2,700 words. For this assignment, you need to do more than merely provide asynopsis of the book.
Also, if a student fails to cite at least five peer-reviewed journal articles and include these in the references at the end of the book
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review, it will incur an automatic penalty of twenty points. Please keep in mind, this is an assignment that students are encouraged towork on throughout the semester; therefore, it is inadvisable to wait until the last minute to begin your book review essays. Pleasefollow the writing rubricto understand how you are required to write the paper. You can find the rubric in the Start Here and Resourcessection of the course.
Book review Deadlines:
Outline is due on September 10
Rough draft is due on October 1.
Final draft s due on October 8.
Interaction with Instructor:
My primary form of communication with the class will be through Announcements in Blackboard and Email. Any changes to thesyllabus or other important information critical to the class will be disseminated to students via Announcements and your BlackboardEmail address available to me. It will be your responsibility to check your Blackboard Email regularly.
Students who wish to discuss an issue with me personally should do so through Email. Students are encouraged to discussissues/questions that are relevant to the class through the discussion board.
Attendance Standards
Students are expected to visit the course site at least two times per week to check for announcements, email and class discussionpostings. Students are required to submit at least one substantive posting each week to the online discussion board.
Grading Policy and Evaluation
Grading Scale:
100-90 89-80 79-70 69-60 59 –below
Exams (two quizzes & final exam) 30 %
Discussions (seven discussion questions) 30 %
Participation 10 %
Book Review 30 %
Each student has the opportunity to make up one missed major in-class graded event (discussion or quiz). There is no make up forthe final exam. If you would like to make up a discussion or quiz, please send me an email. Late submission will be accepted, but 5 to15 points will be deducted you’re your grade based on the date of submission.
Institutional Policies3 of 9
COVID-19 StatementLamar University returns to the 2021-2022 academic year after a pandemic that lasted more than 15 months. We will open forbusiness without requirements for masks, vaccination requirements, or social distancing, as announced by Governor Abbott onJuly 29. However, for the health and safety of all concerned we encourage all faculty, staff, and students to take advantage ofthe free vaccines (available throughout the region and at the Student Health Center) as soon as possible. We strongly recommendthat everyone continue to practice good personal hygiene practices including regular handwashing and/or use of hand sanitizingproducts when soap and water are not readily available. Please show respect to those who choose to practice social distancingmeasures and wear face coverings.
Everyone is asked to continue to self-screen for any signs or symptoms of COVID-19. Please seek medical attention if you beginto feel ill. Members of the Lamar community share significant and unrelenting responsibilities. As members of the larger worldcommunity, we have not only the opportunity but the duty to develop and to exhibit a sense of social responsibility. We areresponsible for each other and each of us must do what we can to protect our Lamar family and to remember that we haveespecially vulnerable populations among us (i.e., Lamar community members with chronic illnesses or disabilities, children, andfactors that predispose many to respiratory ailments). As we look out for one another, our choices are of the utmost importance.
Should state or federal guidelines change, we will provide updates as soon as practicable.
Academic Continuity PolicyIn the event of an announced campus closure in excess of four days due to hurricane or other disaster, students are expected tocheck Lamar University’s website and login to LU Connect for instructions about continuing courses remotely.
Academic Honesty PolicyLamar University expects all students to engage in academic pursuits in a manner that is above reproach. Students are expectedto maintain complete honesty and integrity in their academic experiences both in and out of the classroom. Any student foundguilty of dishonesty in any phase of academic work will be subject to disciplinary action.
The University and its official representatives may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of any form ofacademic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic work which is to be submitted,plagiarism, collusion, and the abuse of resource materials.
All persons involved in academic dishonesty will be disciplined in accordance with University regulations and procedures.Discipline may include failure of the assignment and/or course up to suspension or expulsion from the university. The penaltymay vary by instructor.
Additional information is available on the Academic Policy website (https://students.lamar.edu/academic-support/academic-policies.html).
Attendance VerificationStudents must complete an Attendance Verification Quiz for ALL COURSES – both on-campus and online – in which they areenrolled each term by the third class day to comply with U.S. Department of Education attendance requirements. Failure tocomplete this quiz by the deadline may result in loss of course enrollment and/or financial aid. The quiz is located in EVERYCOURSE through LULearn (Blackboard) even if the course meets on campus.
Course Drop PolicyStudents may drop a course and receive a grade of “Q” during the penalty-free period of the semester or session. For drops afterthis penalty-free period, grades are recorded as “Q” or “F,” indicating the student was passing or failing at the time of the drop. Agrade of “Q” may not be assigned unless an official drop has been processed through the Records Office. Students may drop acourse online up to the census day by logging into Self-Service Banner. After the census day, courses must be dropped throughthe Records Office. For additional help, contact the academic advisor or the Records Office at registration@lamar.edu. Studentsmay not drop a course during the last 20 percent of the term. Students should check the academic calendarat https://www.lamar.edu/academic-calendar (https://www.lamar.edu/academic-calendar) for specific dates.
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Students with Disability PolicyLamar University is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. The Disability ResourceCenter (DRC) is located in the Communication building, room 105. Office staff collaborate with students who have disabilities toprovide and/or arrange reasonable accommodations.
If you have, or think you may have, a disability (e.g. mental health, attentional, learning, chronic health, sensory, or physical),please contact the DRC at 409-880-8347 or drc@lamar.edu to arrange a confidential appointment with the Director of the DRC toexplore possible options regarding equitable access and reasonable accommodations.
If you are registered with the DRC and have a current letter requesting reasonable accommodations, we encourage you to contactyour instructor early in the semester to review how the accommodations will be applied in the course.
Additional information is available at the DRC website (http://www.lamar.edu/disability-resource-center/).
Academic SupportAcademic Support can be located at https://www.lamar.edu/students/#acad-supp.
There are many areas (i. e. Advising, Writing Center, etc.) of academic support. Each area provides their own specific contactinformation and days and hours of operation.
Student ServicesLamar University recognizes that students may experience challenges that hinder success in their academics and/or collegeexperience. We believe in giving all students access to resources that allow them to overcome these challenges. If you arestruggling with stress, procrastination, anger management, depression, anxiety, substance abuse and/or eating disorders, pleasereach out to our counseling professionals at the Student Health Center at 880-8466 to call for an appointment or visit our websitehttps://www.lamar.edu/students/student-engagement/student-health-center/index.html for more information about ourservices.
Students who face challenges securing food or housing, tuition and/or books and believes this may affect their performance inthe course is urged to contact the LU Strong program. The program is located in the Setzer Student Center, Room 230 at 409-880-8458 or at lustrong@lamar.edu Furthermore, please notify your professor if you are comfortable in doing so. This will enablethem to provide any additional resources they may possess.
Your information and situation will be treated with the utmost privacy and is protected by Texas law. These services are availableto all currently enrolled students at Lamar University and Lamar Institute of Technology.
Information on Student Services can be located at http://students.lamar.edu/index.html. There are many resources (i. e. Courseschedules, important phone numbers, etc.) available. Each area provides their own specific contact information and days andhours of operation.
Emergency ProceduresMany types of emergencies can occur on campus; instructions for severe weather or violence/active shooter, fire, or chemicalrelease can be found at the Office of Environmental Health/Safety and Risk Management (https://www.lamar.edu/about-lu/administration/risk-management/index.html) webpage.
Severe Weather
Follow the directions of the instructor or emergency personnel.
Seek shelter in an interior room or hallway on the lowest floor, putting as many walls as possible between you and theoutside.
If you are in a multi-story building and you cannot get to the ground floor, pick a hallway in the center of the building.
Stay in the center of the room, away form exterior walls, windows, and doors.
Violence/Active Shooter
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CALL – 7777 from a campus phone (Text 409-241-8002 from a cell phone). Note: Calling 911 from either a campus or cellphone will contact the City of Beaumont dispatch rather than the LU police.
AVOID – If possible, self-evacuate to a safe area outside the building. Follow directions of police officers.
DENY – Barricade the door with desks, chairs, bookcases or any other items. Move to a place inside the room where you arenot visible. Turn off the lights and remain quiet. Remain there until told by police it is safe.
DEFEND – Use chairs, desks, cell phones or whatever is immediately available to distract and/or defend yourself and othersfrom attack.
Copyright Policy StatementCopyright is defined as the ownership and control of the intellectual property in original works of authorship which are subject tocopyright law. As an institution of higher learning that values intellectual integrity, Lamar University prohibits the distribution ofpublished materials (print or electronic) in violation of copyright law.
LU Connect PortalStudents are asked to obtain a Lamar Electronic Account username and password so they can log onto the LU CONNECT website.Students may get information on how to get into the LU CONNECT website from the University’s homepage(http://www.lamar.edu)by clicking on the LU CONNECT link on the left top corner of the screen. Follow the steps to secure your LUCONNECT username and password.
LU Learn/Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS)Students will utilize the Lamar University’s Learning Management System (LMS), Blackboard, for online courses.
For Blackboard technical support go to https://blackboardsupport.lamar.edu.
Phone: 866-585-1738
Phone and chat are available 24/7/365
Exams and quizzes taken within LULearn (Blackboard) may require online proctoring. Lamar University uses Proctorio for onlineproctoring. For additional information about online proctoring click here (https://www.lamar.edu/lu-online/student-support-services-quick-links/index.html#proctoring-services) and view details under proctoring services.
Students must respect the integrity and security of Lamar University computer systems and network, and the privacy andpreferences of other users. Responsibility for learning about and complying with Lamar University Acceptable Use Policyultimately rests with the individual. The network may be used to download, copy, or store any software, shareware, digital mediafiles or freeware, as long as the use complies with copyright law licensing agreements, and campus policies, such as storagespace limitations and network bandwidth restrictions. The network may not be used for any activity, or to transmit any material,that violates United States or local laws.
The network may not be used for commercial purposes. Advertising and sponsorships on Lamar University websites is restricted.In addition, students may not permit other persons to use their usernames, passwords, accounts or disk space, or disclose theirusernames, passwords or account information to any third party. Students may not log on to someone else’s account, internetaddress, or other network codes, or attempt to access another user’s files. Students may not create false or dummy accounts toimpersonate someone else. Students may not try to gain unauthorized access (“hacking”) to the files or computer systems of anyother person or organization. Students may not impersonate another person by forging e-mail, web pages or other electronicmedia. Students who maliciously access, alter, delete, damage or destroy any computer system, computer network, computerprogram, or data will be subject to disciplinary action by Lamar University, and criminal prosecution as well. Students may notdisrupt or attempt to disrupt network traffic, and they may not attempt to monitor or capture network traffic in any way. Finally,students may not intentionally create, store, display, print or transmit information that violates the university’s Sexual HarassmentPolicy.
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Netiquette (Online Etiquette) StatementPlease adhere to the same standards of behavior and professional respect online that you would follow in face-to-facecommunication with others, but most particularly when writing email and when taking part in collaborative and discussion boardactivities. Lamar provides access to network resources, including the Internet, in order to support learning and to preparestudents for the 21st century world. Students, however, are expected to adhere to the Lamar University Acceptable Use Policieswhen Using Networks. More comprehensive student code of conduct can be found at https://students.lamar.edu/academic-support/code-of-conduct.html.
Respect the right of each person to disagree with others.Treat people the same as you would face-to-face.Respect the time of others.
Always sign your name to any contribution you choose to make.Be constructive in your responses to others in the class.Do not use all caps (Doing so may be interpreted as shouting).Re-read your postings before sending them.Always think before you write.Respond respectfully.Use appropriate grammar and structure.Spell-check your postings.Use short paragraphs focused on one idea.Use appropriate business language at all times.
Technical SupportTechnical Support can be located at http://students.lamar.edu/it-services-and-support/index.html.
Phone: 409-880-2222Email: servicedesk@lamar.edu
Hours of Operation (CST):Monday – Thursday 7:30 a.m.-12:00 a.m.Friday 7:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.Saturday 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Sunday 3:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.
Course Subject OutlineCourse Content Outline
COURSE AT A GLANCE: Weekly Schedule
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Week 1-
August 23
Topic Areas:
-Course Overview
-The Origins ofModern
-Read Introduction,page 1-18
-Read Part 1, Page21-32
Discussion post 1 isavailable
Week 2-
August 30
-Reviving ClassicalTheory
-Trait andBiosocial Theories
-Read Part 10, Page353-388
-Read part 12, Page441-486
Discussion post 2 isavailable
Week 3-
September 6
-Learning To Be aCriminal
-Anomie/StrainTheories of Crime
-Read Part 3, Page67-104
-Read Part 4, Page105-149
Discussion post 3 isavailable
Quiz 1 is onSeptember 10 (Intro,part 1, 10, 12, 3 &4).
Week 4-
September 13
-Control Theory
-Labeling Theory
-Read Part 5, Page150-190
-Read Part 6, Page193-227
Discussion post 4 isavailable
Week 5-
-The ChicagoSchool
-Read Part 2, Page33-66
-Read Part 11, Page390-438
Discussion post 5 isavailable
Quiz 2 is onSeptember 24 (Part 5,
6, 2 & 11).
Week 6
September 27
-Feminist Theories
-Read Part 7, Page228-268
-Read Part 8, Page269-317
Discussion post 6 isavailable
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Week 7
October 4
-IntegratedTheories of Crime
-Read Part 14, Page537-563
-Read Part 16, Page601-633
Discussion post 7 isavailable
Week 8
October 11
Book Review
Final Exam
Part 7, 8, 14 & 16.
Book review is due onOctober 9.
Final exam is on
October 15.
Additional Items
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Theoretical Foundation CRIJ-5320
Meeting Times
Contact Information
Catalog Description
Course Materials
Course Policies
Institutional Policies
COVID-19 Statement
Academic Continuity Policy
Academic Honesty Policy
Attendance Verification
Course Drop Policy
Students with Disability Policy
Academic Support
Student Services
Emergency Procedures
Copyright Policy Statement
LU Connect Portal
LU Learn/Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS)
Network Use
Netiquette (Online Etiquette) Statement
Technical Support
Course Subject Outline
Additional Items
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